Monday, October 14, 2013

Pigeon Control

Pigeon Control

Pigeon Prevention

A problem with pigeons can be a real nuisance to businesses. Pigeons are attracted to food sources, including garbage, which is why they are often found near bars and restaurants and landfill sites.
Pigeons like to shelter in seemingly inhospitable areas of tall buildings. They will make use of balconies, ledges, flat roofs, guttering and loft spaces in particular, as they are capable of lifting damaged or loose roof coverings to force entry.
Your property could be providing an ideal habitat for pigeons. If they are already nesting on your building, there is a risk they will attract other pigeons too, turning a small problem into a much larger one.

Pigeon Control for Your Business

Bird control specialists at Ehrlich provide expert pigeon control solutions to protect your business and customers from these pest birds.
Although a pigeon's natural food source is grain and seeds, they survive in towns and cities by scavenging processed food matter, such as the remains of takeaways and food waste from trash cans.
Look out for the following signs on your property, which may indicate a problem with pigeons requiring professional services.

Danger Signs:

  • Flocks of pigeons – if you regularly notice flocks of pigeons around your property
  • Nesting materials – twigs, grass and sticks are usually used to make a nest
  • Pigeon droppings – large amounts of droppings found near your building could mean pigeons are roosting on your property

Potential Harm from Pigeons

The presence of feral pigeons and their feces (or guano) represents a potential health hazard to people.
  • Serious diseases - pigeons are carriers of diseases such as salmonella and psittacosis (commonly known as pigeon fancier's lung)
  • Pigeon droppings - droppings provide the ideal environment for organisms causing diseases such as listeriosis, cryptococcis and aspergillosis to thrive.
  • Other pests - pigeons are also hosts to fleas and other parasites such as pigeon ticks and bird mites.These pests can be spread to other hosts including people.

Pigeon Droppings

Pigeon droppings and pigeon debris not only look unpleasant but they can directly damage the structure of a building, due to the concentration of uric acid found in droppings.
Pigeon droppings can:
  • Erode metal
  • Stain wood
  • Discolor paint
  • Damage stone and brickwork - tar based roofing materials are particularly vulnerable to this type of erosion.

Risks to Your Business

  • Health & safety hazard – droppings can sometimes make sidewalks very slippery
  • Loss of customers – large quantities of droppings and presence of pigeons on your property could put customers off from entering your store
  • Loss of productivity –the diseases pigeons are known to carry could impact on your co-workers leading to illness and time off work
Nest debris and feathers can also block gutters and rainwater drainage systems, potentially leading to damage to your business from water penetration.

Steps to Take for Pigeon Control

One of the most successful long term measures for pigeon control is their food source removal, however in busy urban areas this is not always practical.
There is a range of pigeon deterrent solutions available for commercial properties, which could help to prevent pigeons from roosting and nesting on your property, including:
  • Bird netting – available in various sizes and strategically installed for total pigeon exclusion.
  • Wire deterrent systems – discreet product used to protect exposed ledges from pigeons and other pest birds.
  • Bird control solutions – our full range of specialist bird proofing methods are installed by our bird control specialists.

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